The Importance of SEO - Search Engine Optimization

While SEO isn't rocket science it is a complex and multifaceted strategy that is a vital marketing tool in today's competitive Internet. Knowing the cornucopia of elements that define SEO and how they work is the key to understanding it's importance. Of course the prime benefit is that it makes your website, wich means more traffic and more opportunities to turn aite visitors into customers. SEO is a valuable tool for brand awareness, building social relationships with prospects, and establishing your company as trustworthy expert in your field. Google's rules sees proper SEO as an important ingredient in search engine results and as such is an important part of any website's marketing strategy.
DIY (Do It Yourself) - Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the recommended method to bring visitors to your website based on Google's algorithms establishing your website as the one that would best suit potential customers searching for a product or services like yours. Search engine SEO and marketing is a separate task from most of what you normally do in runnng your small business site. It is time consuming and requires a myriad of tasks to establish your site and to keep its presence in the search engines. However if cash flow is an issue, as it is with many sites, then don't skip on SEO. It's better to do it yourself until such time that you can afford to outsource. All of out hosting plans include an award winning SEO software package that is free for you to use.
Visit SEO Panel Website
Search Engine Optimization Resources

One of the most important elements of SEO is making your site and its pages "Google Perfect". Below are some resources that will assist your DIY SEO efforts.
Site Checker provides a free SEO score for your site Small Tools provides dozens of free SEO tools
Moz free SEO Tools SEO Site Checkup (great resource) SEO Audit & Reporting Tool Moz free SEO Tools
Another extremely important task in SEO is code validation. Google looks for optimized error free code. Here are 2 vital resources.
The Need For Speed

Google said this - “Two seconds is the threshold for ecommerce website acceptability. At Google, we aim for under a half-second.” Need we say more?
DIY SEO - The Final Countdown - Is It For You?

SEO and Social Media Marketing are not rocket science. In fact any website owner with just some HTML and related experience can do well on their own. Perhaps 80% of what needs to be done on a consistent basis can be done my any small business owner. The other 20% that requires someknowledge in using .htaccess files and other serve side changes can all be outsourced. The first decision we suggest is to ask yourself do you even need a real top rating in Google's SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages). That will solely depend on what type of services and products your website offers, and do you sell them via the Internet. Generally if you depend on a major portion of your cash flow from ecommerce, then SEO is a must for you.
One thing we do recommend is that wether you decide to hire an SEO expert or go the DIY route, you should at the very list hire an experienced SEO and SEM professional to complete a site audit for your business. We at The Technomax Group offer several website audit packages. Click the link below.
Google Page Speed Insights