The Importance Of Backing Up Your Critical Data

Disk mirroring has become the backup choice in IT setting worldwide - but is it enough? We use it at Technomax because it's an effective method in high availability settings as we employ it for all our servers. However mirroring should not be thought of as backup method as the objectives are simply not the same. Without getting technical suffice it to say there is a corunucopia of reasons that you or your company needs to back up data conventionally and off-site. Below we list some strategies that deserve consideration whether you are a small business or an enterprise.
Google Drive - Easy Solution For Small To Medium Websites

Every Google Account starts with 15 GB of free storage that's shared across Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos, and it's free. Users can also upgrade to Google One for a low fee of about $2.50 a month for 100 GB of storage and other benefits. The service is fast and it's easy to download your files to your local machine if you need them.
Visit Google Drive
(Amazon S3) Is An Object Storage Service That Offers Industry-Leading Scalability

Scale your storage resources up and down to meet fluctuating demands, without upfront investments or resource procurement cycles. Amazon S3 is designed for 99.999999999% (11 9’s) of data durability because it automatically creates and stores copies of all S3 objects across multiple systems. Save costs without sacrificing performance by storing data across the S3 Storage Classes, which support different data access levels at corresponding rates. In our opinion Amazon S3 is a superb backup/restore application for the small business to the enterprise, but it does require some time, effort and a little Amazon savvy! Technomax offers complete Amazon Management for those that need top-notch web services. Find out more by clicking on the "Schedule An Appoinment" link at the bottom of this page.
AOMEI Backupper - an excellent application for Win10 Users

- LogBackup
- Backup Scheduling
- Cloud Backup
- Continuous Backup
- Data Compression
- File Synchronization
- Remote Backup
- Restoration Data
- Security Encryption
- Create Bootable Media
- Disk Cloning
- Incremental Backup
- Drive Imaging
- Restoration
- Disaster Recovery
MultiCloud - Allowing you to backup between cloud accounts.

MultiCloud allows you to transfer files between cloud accounts, keep two cloud servers synced, manage all your cloud accounts in one place and supports more than a few dozen cloud storage services. MultiCloud also allows you to back up your MySQL Databases - a nice feature. Click the link below.