vmware virtualization

CloudLinux OS with VMware is our choice of providing the best high-availability and fault tolerance in the industry today. No containers and no noisy neighbors! Next generation, enterprise hardware located in "best of class" datacenters. High availability built-into each cloud server with quick "back to live" technology. The PDF embedded below explains the complete CloudLinux technology. Lightweight Virtualized Environment is a kernel-level technology, which isolates each tenant into his own environment. Each tenant has limits on the amount of resources (CPU, IO, Memory, Processes, etc.) that can be used. If the tenant hits the limit, other users would not notice anything because the offender would be immediately throttled. There would be no resource spikes, no server overloads, no angry phone calls from users ... what a wonderful life it would be!

vmware virtualization

CloudLinux OS with VMware is our choice of providing the best high-availability and fault tolerance in the industry today. No containers and no noisy neighbors! Next generation, enterprise hardware located in "best of class" datacenters. High availability built-into each cloud server with quick "back to live" technology. The PDF embedded below explains the complete CloudLinux technology. Lightweight Virtualized Environment is a kernel-level technology, which isolates each tenant into his own environment. Each tenant has limits on the amount of resources (CPU, IO, Memory, Processes, etc.) that can be used. If the tenant hits the limit, other users would not notice anything because the offender would be immediately throttled. There would be no resource spikes, no server overloads, no angry phone calls from users ... what a wonderful life it would be!

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